Pre-finals Week 2014

Sometimes I miss the twins I was best friends with in high school. Their family was my second family, their home became my second home.

There is a bunny in my apartment this year. The warm, innocent life is a comfort.

I am proud to be a feminist.

I am not proud to be an American.

In health class in high school I was the only person to side with the survivor of sexual assault when our teacher read us a story out of the local newspaper. The only person. I consider that the beginning of my advocacy for survivors of sexual aggression.

I want to be an elf queen in Middle Earth.

I think the world should be decorated in Christmas lights year round.

I will never stop loving him. I miss him as soon as we hug goodbye. I want nothing more than to be in the same room with him, even if we are doing different things. I know he is the love of my life.

I want to spend all week watching Wes Anderson films.

I love craft beer.

My best friend, soul sister, sista from anotha mista, is getting married next fall. I can’t remember the last time I was so excited about something.

I wish my brother and sister-in-law lived closer so we could actually be best friends.

Winter does not bother me this year.

I want to rescue 5 pitbulls from the animal shelter.

I want to rescue humans from the human shelter.

I want to go on crazy adventures and collect stories better than all my friends.

I can’t breathe.

I want to live in a cabin in the woods and never talk to anyone again.

I want walls and walls of vinyl and books.

Hands up, don’t shoot.

I want to live in an expensive city loft for a year.

I think my first crush on a girl was my best friend my freshmen year of high school. I loved her hair, her legs, her nose. One time she walked around her house in only a sports bra and spandex. I told myself I just wanted to look like her.

It’s weird to discover I like women when I am madly in love with a man and want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Sometimes I think it’s just a phase.

I want to get totally ripped.

I refuse to stop eating cookies and ice cream and drinking beer and wine.

I need a milkshake.

Nick won’t be around next semester. I feel lost.

There’s too much blood in my coffee stream today.

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