Edgar Allen Woe

Been feeling pretty melancholy recently. The senioritis is real. Already sensing my Vitamin D deficiency. I’d blame it on the birth control if it hadn’t been like this the last two winters. Not to mention Nick won’t be around next semester. I’ll be so lost.

I’m tired. And my head hurts. And my room never stops being a disaster. And I never have the food I actually want to eat. I haven’t “had time” to work out in ages. Too much work to do every week for classes. My clients are flaky. My house is too far away. I haven’t seen my big brother in 10 months. I haven’t seen my sister-in-law in 5. I miss my family. I miss my childhood.

Nick is leaving, gosh, why is he leaving before we can leave together. No more spontaneous Netflix binges or date nights. No more “please come cuddle me, it was a long day”. No more accidental run-ins on campus to immediately brighten my day. Motherfucker. Sucky sucky sucky.

Can winter break be now and it can last for three months.


but not /feelings

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